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Skin Rejuvenation

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

the most advanced and acclaimed technology for non-invasive skin rejuvenation.

Facial-Volume-Loss- (1).jpg

Collagen production


Age & sunspots




Skin ageing is caused by both the body’s internal aging process and environmental and lifestyle factors.

Now, there’s a simple, effective way to help your complexion combat the ravages of time. IPL-Sq is the most advanced and acclaimed technology for non-invasive skin rejuvenation.


IPL-Sq Photo Rejuvenation can make a dramatic difference to the appearance of your skin. It can treat multiple conditions simultaneously, making it an ideal skin rejuvenation treatment. It stimulates collagen regeneration to improve volume and elasticity, fades age spots and sun damage, treats acne, rosacea, spider veins and broken capillaries.

It works by penetrating deep into the skin with intense pulses of light, using a series of filters to direct the light accurately to the target.

It is capable of treating the entire face, and is therefore a great tool in helping to restore a youthful, clear complexion.

IPL-Sq treatment is fast and comfortable—with no downtime. You can return to your normal activities immediately after treatment, with predictable and dramatic results.

Successive treatments continue to produce improvements.


IPL Skin Rejuvenation (45mins)

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